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Re: [hylafax-users] Jobs occasionally don't go

At 06:04 AM 2/28/01 -0500, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:

>However WHFC clients get a hit or miss on whether the fax 
>server tries to send their job.  Sometimes the job goes into 
>the queue (I can see it with faxstat -as) but nothing "fires", 
>and the job just sits in the queue,  if I "sendfax" a job at the 
>same time, my job will go, but the WHFC job just sits and 
>eventually failes with 0 attempts.  I am pulling my hair out, 
>have searched the mail archives, etc...  and would appreciate 
>any ideas.

You can take a look at the sendq/q* files (ASCII properties file) to
compare the properties of your "sendfax faxes" and your "WHFC faxes".  See
'man sendq' for details.  This may reveal the problem.


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