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Re: [hylafax-users] Hylafax and RH6

On Mon, Feb 26, 2001 at 07:10:50PM +0100, Marcin Krol wrote:
> I used the hylafax-4.1beta3-1rh6.i386.rpm from ftp.hylafax.org to set
> up hylafax and it gave me troubles with locking the serial device.
> During reading HylaFax mailing lists, I noticed that mainly RH6 users
> have the same problems as I do. Log:

> lut 26 19:03:10 inet FaxQueuer[29317]: SUBMIT JOB 1
> lut 26 19:03:15 inet FaxGetty[29356]: ANSWER: Can not lock modem device
> lut 26 19:03:20 inet FaxSend[29454]: MODEM MULTI-TECH SYSTEMS MT2834ZDXI/0316A
> lut 26 19:03:21 inet FaxSend[29454]: SEND FAX: JOB 1 DEST 2660438 COMMID 00000002
> lut 26 19:04:27 inet FaxSend[29454]: SEND FAILED: No answer from remote
> lut 26 19:04:51 inet FaxGetty[29356]: MODEM MULTI-TECH SYSTEMS MT2834ZDXI/0316A
> lut 26 19:05:16 inet FaxGetty[29356]: ANSWER: Can not lock modem device

Ok.  This, and the next problem, are not the same thing.


"ANSWER: Can not lock modem device" is a BENIGN message.

It means that an idling faxgetty tried to ping it's associated modem
to make sure it was still their, and discovered that it couldn't.

As long as the next thing in the log is sendfax trying to send a job,
it's OK.


> The cu also has the problem:
> [root@inet misc]# cu -l ttyS01
> cu: creat (/var/lock/TMP0000007364): Brak dostêpu [MK: it reads "no
> access", I use localized version of Mandrake]
> cu: ttyS01: Line in use

*This* is a different thing entirely. 

The problem here sounds like it's because sendfax is actually
actively trying to send something while you're trying to cu.

> Minicom seems to have no problem communicating with modem. The
> modem itself probably isn't a problem since it's on the recommended
> list for Hylafax. Anybody knows the cause of the problem?

The other possibility with cu is that it and minicom aren't trying to
lock in the same place...  but this stuff can all be timing

Nothing is evidence until you can make it happen at least 3 times in
10 minutes, is my rule.

-- jra
Jay R. Ashworth                                                jra@baylink.com
Member of the Technical Staff     Baylink
The Suncoast Freenet         The Things I Think
Tampa Bay, Florida        http://baylink.pitas.com             +1 727 804 5015

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