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[hylafax-users] HylaFAQ Q022 update

I have gained fame and popularity due to my answer to HylaFAQ question
Q022: Is HylaFAX able to receive 100s of faxes?

I have received several messages asking about my setup recently,
so I thought I would send an update to the whole list.

Our volume is a lot less now, mainly due to global decentralization.  We
now have HylaFAX servers in 3 (soon 4) countries, and a voice mail system,
all of which receive hundreds of pages per day, but not thousands.

We are using the Digi DataFire RAS card for our main fax server now.
The configuration for it is almost the same as the "class2.0"
configuration file.  We used that file, but had to change one
line because the modem did not seem to respond properly to AT+FCC=?
We changed the Class2DCCQueryCmd entry to manually set the modem 
capabilities, so HylaFAX does not have to ask for them:

Class2DCCQueryCmd:     !(0-1),(0-5),(0-4),(0-2),(0-3),(0-1),0,(0-7)    # query for modem capabilities

If someone wants more infomation to include in a modem list somewhere,
just tell me what information you need.

Several people have asked how we handle routing so many faxes.

We don't do anything fancy; it's all based on the incoming modem device.
The company phone switch maps each incoming phone number to one or
more modems, and the faxrcvd script simply prints the faxes to the
appropriate department's printer, with lines like this:

  ### Marketing
  if [ "$DEVICE" = "ttyG013" -o "$DEVICE" = "ttyG014" ] ; then 
   /usr/local/bin/tiff2ps -pa1 -h10.875 -w8.5 -H14.0 -L0.5 $FILE 2>/dev/null | lpr -h -Pmarketingq

Human eyes do the rest.

~ John Williams

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