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Re: [hylafax-users] programming question

Heh.. I pretty much got that far already, the problem is, I don't know how
to properly set up the serial port and things like that.. I'm already
locking it, thats not the problem, its just that no matter what i write to
the port, faxgetty's select never returns...

On Thu, 7 Dec 2000, Vyacheslav Frolov wrote:

> Rob Foehl wrote:
> > I'm having trouble getting faxgetty to let go of a modem so I can use it
> > in a C app I've been working on..
> >
> > Looking at whats going on, faxgetty is sitting in select() on the
> > modem.. For some reason I cant manage to get it to drop out of that
> > select(), but minicom can.. I've tried duplicating what minicom's doing,
> > with no success..
> >
> > Can somebody please tell me the correct procedure for getting faxgetty to
> > fall out of the select() so I can use the modem?
> Your application can use modem in the following manner:
> Lock modem
> use modem
> unLock modem.
> When your app begin to use the modem the faxgetty will go out from select() and then try
> to lock the modem but modem file is locked by your app so faxgetty will wait and not interfere
> your app.
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