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PPR 0x00 Saga Continues

attention knowledgable hylafax developers:

i think i have narrowed down my problem.

* when a normal fax machine receives my fax from HylaFAX, here is what
the result looks like from my side:

(send a page here)

SEND end page
--> [2:OK]
SEND send MPS (more pages, same document)
<-- [9:AT+FET=0\r]
--> [8:+FPTS: 1]
--> [2:OK]
SEND recv MCF (message confirmation)

(do another page here)

* now when HylaFAX receives my fax, here is what it looks like:

(send a page here)

SEND end page
--> [2:OK]
SEND send MPS (more pages, same document)
<-- [9:AT+FET=0\r]
--> [8:+FHNG: 0]
REMOTE HANGUP: Normal and proper end of connection (code 0)
SEND recv unknown PPR 0x00

so, this leads me to the following conclusions:
1. there is a bug in the firmware of my modem. (see previous ACF II
2. there is a bug in Class2Recv.C++ of faxd?

any help offered would be appreciated.



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