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tsi problem

Hi to all.

My name is Manuel Trujillo, and write from Barcelona (Spain).
I've got the hylafax soft in a Debian Linux box, and work fine. But I have a
problem with tsi; when I recieve a call with the number occult by the
sender, the tsi reject the call.
In my tsi file, in /etc/hylafax, I've put the string ^.*$, for accept all

Anyone have a idea about this? I need to recieve faxes if the sender's
numberfax is occult. Can help me, please?
I put my email address in the CC field. Please, respect this, because I'm
not subscribe in this list.

Thank's, and... excuse me my bad english... ;-)

                                   \|/ ____ \|/
Have a nice day  ;-)               "@'/ ,. \'@"
TooManySecrets                     /_| \__/ |_\

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