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Re: Unknown problem

On 19 Jan 00, at 15:41, Lumpp, Wolfgang wrote:

> after appr. 100 - 150 faxtransmissions I got the error message "Unknown
> problem (check modem power)". When I reset the modem, the server works
> again. Any suggest? Hylafax v.4.0pl2; Suse-Linux 6.2; ZOOM V.34 Regard

The error message is misleading, look at the error message in the 
log file. Is there a message like "modem blocked"? I think this starts 
if a number is dialled to often. A german(?) speciality of legal 
modems. BTW is this feature still a must for legal modems in 

In the past there were AT codes to disable this feature. Does 
someone know this code for the ELSA Modems?


Harald Lux                      lux@lux.de
Sandkaule 5-7                   Tel.: +49 228 692325
D-53111 Bonn                    http://www.lux.de/

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