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Re: SuSE 6.3, latest Hylafax and SupraFax288


> I tried to run Hylafax with a SupraFaxModem 288 on a SuSE 6.3. When a

Since I tried several modems with HylaFAX I can recommend the old ZyXEL 1496-
E (which is difficult to get nowadays) or the ELSA Microlink Basic 56. On 
several places I used these modems with good results. Be sure to get firmware 
1.10 (or newer with the ELSA modem, since some FAX services are fixed in this 

Mit freundlichem Gruss
Claas Hilbrecht

Linum Software GmbH
Tel: 05561-971070
Fax: 05561-971071

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