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Re: SuSE 6.3, latest Hylafax and SupraFax288

on 16/1/2000 11:04 pm, Iain Stevenson at iain@iainstevenson.com wrote:

> Ari,
> The modem must be the prime suspect.  I run Comunigate on a Mac 6100/66 - it
> never did work properly with a USR Sportster modem.  It used to keep failing
> to recognise that it had succeeded in sending a fax.  Using the same modem
> with Hylafax was a complete disaster.  So, Communigate seems to be more
> tolerant of modem problems than the base install of Hylafax.

Surely this just means that fax software should (ideally) be more tolerant
of different modems. I feel that many people are turned off the whole
concept of faxing through software due to the number of problems that arise,
whether it be because of badly implemented modems or too fussy software.

Personally I can't wait till the current concept of faxing goes away and is
replaced by something a little more robust (like an IP based transmission).

> Your best bet is probably to buy an old Multitech modem like I did - it works
> better with Hylafax and Communigate!

I think I have one floating around. I'll give it a go and see what happens.

> Of course, running Linux on a Mac seems to have its own bunch of problems
> which seem mainly to be related to opening files - as far as my investigations
> have gone.

I am running Linux on two Intel boxes. Much easier and I get to keep the
Macs for workstations.

> Iain Stevenson

Thanks for the pointers.

Ari Maniatis

ish group pty ltd
7 Darghan St Glebe 2037 Australia
phone +61 2 9660 1400   fax +61 2 9660 7400
email info@ish.com.au
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