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Re: +FHNG: 70 --- unknown phase B error solution [solved]

on 10/1/2000 1:24 pm, Kieran Egan at kieran@mde.ie wrote:

> Hi
> It's me again,
> After some more muckin' about, I seem to have solved my problem.
> My setup uses the Rockwell, v1.2 1996/06/24 modem config file that comes
> with hylafax.
> It is as normal except I have changed the following two params:
> ModemRate                 19200        (was 38400)
> ModemFlowControl     xonxoff       (was rtscts)
> This got rid of the "+FHNG: 70 --- unknown phase B error"

Great! I'll try this tonight and see if it helps here. Dropping the modem
speed down I have tried a long time ago, but not the X flow control.

I have never heard of X flow working better than hardware flow control, but
perhaps your modem cable doesn't support the CTS/RTS handshaking well. Or
maybe it just works better with fax protocols. It is certainly slower than
RTS/CTS but that shouldn't be an issue with faxing.

> Then I had a problem with TSI being rejected which I cured by:
> QualifyTSI                     ""

Some faxes don't like non-numeric characters here. The standard (I think)
was numbers, spaces and '+' only, but many people use letters.

> I would love to know what I'm doing, but it works now, and I won't waste
> any more time trying to fix it.

> I haven't subscribed to any mailing lists, which is where I found your
> email address, maybe you could post this solution, It might help others.

Certainly. I'll post this to the list and hope it helps someone else.

> All the best,
> Kieran.


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