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Hylafax queueing but not sending

>>>>> "CB" == Christopher Biow <biow@ezmort.com> writes:
 CB> Using hylafax-4.1beta1-1rh6.rpm under RedHat Intel 6.0, USR internal
 CB> Sportster Vi 28.8/fax modem. Installed fine, and test faxes worked from
 CB> local machine and remotely using WHFC.
 CB> Two days later, it still queues new faxes (local or remote) but they simply
 CB> don't send. Modem is doing fine and accessible with minicom. The jobs are
 CB> even dutifully removed from the queue at the expiration of their "attempt
 CB> to send" time. Everything that I can think of looks good--where do I go
 CB> from here in troubleshooting?
 CB> applicable parts of faxstat looks good:
 CB> |-> LIST status
 CB> |150 Opening new data connection for "status".
 CB> |HylaFAX scheduler on linux.ezmort.com: Running
 CB> |Modem ttyS1 (703.478.3807): Waiting for modem to come ready
 CB> |226 Transfer complete.
 CB> |-> LIST docq
 CB> |150 Opening new data connection for "docq".
 CB> |
 CB> |-rw----   1     root   109149 Nov 19 14:20 doc6.ps.6
 CB> |-rw----   1     root     5754 Nov 19 15:00 doc7.ps.7
 CB> |-rw----   1     root     5755 Nov 19 15:00 doc8.ps.8
 CB> |226 Transfer complete.
 CB> |200 %-7m %4p%1z %-8.8o %14.14s %7t %f
 CB> |-> PORT 127,0,0,1,4,16
 CB> |200 PORT command successful.
 CB> |-> LIST sendq
 CB> |150 Opening new data connection for "sendq".
 CB> |
 CB> |JID  Pri S  Owner Number       Pages Dials     TTS Status
 CB> |6    127 W  chris 1 678-441-01  0:0   0:12         
 CB> |8    127 W   root 478-3807      0:0   0:12         
 CB> |226 Transfer complete.
 CB> And it looks like the daemons are running
 CB> |[root@linux /root]# ps aux | grep fax
 CB> |uucp       522  0.0  1.3  3032 1792 ?        S    15:13   0:00 /usr/sbin/faxq
 CB> |uucp       524  0.0  1.0  2800 1372 ?        S    15:13   0:00 /usr/sbin/hfaxd -
 CB> |root       657  0.0  0.3  1152  440 pts/0    S    15:21   0:00 grep fax

The faxgetty seems to be missing:

bobosrv:~ # ps aux | grep fax     
root      3198  0.0  5.6   884   400  p2 S    18:06   0:00 grep fax 
uucp       363  0.0  0.0  2120     0  ?  SW  Nov  6   0:01 (faxq)
uucp       364  0.0  0.0  2168     0  ?  SW  Nov  6   0:00 (hfaxd)
uucp      3170  0.2  7.7  2188   556  ?  S    17:59   0:00 /usr/lib/fax/hfaxd -i
uucp      7265  0.0  0.0  2308     0  ?  SW  Nov  9   0:40 (faxgetty)
bobosrv:~ # 

Check for a line

mo:23:respawn:/usr/lib/fax/faxgetty ttyS1

in /etc/inittab

 CB> /var/log/messages shows apparently normal startup during system boot,
 CB> SUBMIT, and timeout:
 CB> |Nov 19 15:13:45 linux hylafax: HylaFAX:
 CB> |Nov 19 15:13:46 linux hylafax:  faxq
 CB> |Nov 19 15:13:46 linux FaxQueuer[522]: HylaFAX (tm) Version 4.1beta1
 CB> |Nov 19 15:13:46 linux FaxQueuer[522]: Copyright (c) 1990-1996 Sam Leffler
 CB> |Nov 19 15:13:46 linux FaxQueuer[522]: Copyright (c) 1991-1996 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
 CB> |Nov 19 15:13:47 linux hylafax:  hfaxd (without old protocol or SNPP support)
 CB> |Nov 19 15:13:47 linux hylafax: .
 CB> |Nov 19 15:13:47 linux rc: Starting hylafax succeeded
 CB> |Nov 19 15:13:47 linux HylaFAX[524]: HylaFAX INET Protocol Server: restarted.
 CB> |...
 CB> |Nov 19 15:26:16 linux FaxQueuer[522]: SUBMIT JOB 9
 CB> |...
 CB> |Nov 19 17:20:54 linux FaxQueuer[522]: NOTIFY: bin/notify "doneq/q6" "timedout" ""

The faxgetty should response like

Nov 20 07:50:50 bobosrv FaxGetty[7265]: MODEM EXAR ROCKWELL 144DP/E.C.  Version : 7.1 Date code 921118 CURRENT COUNTRY : 5  GERMANY


  Bodo Bock

# Bodo Bock                                                           #
# E-Mail: B.Bock@tu-bs.de                                             #
# Fax:	(05 31) 3 49 76 62                                            #

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