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Re: receiving copies of sent faxes - a solution

Yan Seiner wrote:
>I have finally figured out how to modify notify.awk to attach a copy of
>the submitted fax to the sender.
>If anyone is interested, I can post/submit/email....

Got that, thanks. I will add it to the heap for updating the FAQ. Thank
you for your work.

>.... (How does one submit to the contrib dir?)

ftp upload to ftp.hylafax.org/pub/hylafax/incoming and send Darren at
webmaster@hylafax.org an email with the md5sum along with what it is
and where it should go. For security reasons the incoming directory is
 'blind' so some visual ftp clients may struggle; command line ftp
clients will always work.

Phil Watkinson,
Leicester, UK.

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