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Encoding from Tiff to Gif


I'm rather new in HylaFAX - and i have some questions about my faxserver.
I'm using Zyxel 1496E with my EISA Box, on which is installed Slackware
4.0 with kernel 2.2.12 - I obtained hylafax from binary distribution
because i had some problems with source installation... Version of hylafax
is v4.0pl2 ...

Sending faxes from other machines works just fine but there comes problem
in receiving - i receive 2 ways encoded faxes - one is 1D-MR and the
second is 2D-MR - i have written small cgi script which transforms
received fax to gif - the whole procedure goes like this...

tiffcp -c lzw

(Tif2GIf is one of the programs which i have found somewhere on the net - 
i'll use another one if you can suggest me one:))

And here comes the problem - when i would like to see this GIF - it is
only one page long - but faxinfo tells me that fax has 2 pages - so i need
the converter that will be able to transform 1D and 2D encoded tiffs to
GIF and should convert all the pages... 

And the second problem is that root is receiving mail about wedget modem -
cant initialize modem - but i have normally written inittab - and
ModemResetCMD is OK ... - what could be that?

Thanks for your answers and sorry if i had ask questions which i could
find in the Mailing list archive, but i havent found them...


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