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Strange Problem with typerules

As sendfax always ignored the default typerules
file in /usr/local/lib/fax/typerules, I created
a sendfax.conf file with the following line:

TypeRules /usr/local/lib/fax/mytyperules

Now sendfax recognizes my file, but always prints
the following error:

Syntax error at line 1, missing ':' in "TypeRules

My typerules file looks like that:
0       string          %!              ps
0       short           0x4d4d          tiff
0       short           0x4949          tiff
0       string          <!DOCTYPE       ps      /usr/local/bin/html2ps %i
0       string          <!doctype       ps      /usr/local/bin/html2ps %i
0       string          <!--            ps      /usr/local/bin/html2ps %i
0       string          <html>          ps      /usr/local/bin/html2ps %i
0       string          <HTML>          ps      /usr/local/bin/html2ps %i
0       string          <TITLE>         ps      /usr/local/bin/html2ps %i
0       string          <title>         ps      /usr/local/bin/html2ps %i
0       string          <head>          ps      /usr/local/bin/html2ps %i
0       string          <HEAD>          ps      /usr/local/bin/html2ps %i
0       string          <h1>            ps      /usr/local/bin/html2ps %i
0       string          <H1>            ps      /usr/local/bin/html2ps %i
0       string          <h2>            ps      /usr/local/bin/html2ps %i
0       string          <H2>            ps      /usr/local/bin/html2ps %i
0       string          <h3>            ps      /usr/local/bin/html2ps %i
0       string          <H3>            ps      /usr/local/bin/html2ps %i
0       string          <P>             ps      /usr/local/bin/html2ps %i
0       string          <p>             ps      /usr/local/bin/html2ps %i
0       short           000732          tiff    %F/sgi2fax -%f -o %o -v %V\
                                                  -s %s %i
0       short           017436          error   packed data
0       short           017635          error   compressed data
0       short           0x0506          ps      showcase -p -f %i
0       short           0x5343          ps      showcase -p -f %i
0       short           0xf702          ps      dvips -q -o %o %i
0       string          GIF             tiff
>3      string          87a             tiff    gif2tiff -%f -v %V %i %o
>3      string          89a             error   GIF (version 89a)
0       long            0x59a66a95      tiff    ras2tiff -%f -v %V %i %o
0       string          x T psc         ps      psdit <%i >%o
0       string          begin           error   uuencoded file
0       string          xbtoa           error   btoa'd file
0       string          P1              error   PBM file
0       string          P2              error   PGM file
0       string          P3              error   PPM file
0       string          P4              error   PBM "rawbits" file
0       string          P5              error   PGM "rawbits" file
0       string          P6              error   PPM "rawbits" file
0       string          WNGZWZSS        error   Wingz spreadsheet
0       string          #Inventor V     error   IRIS Inventor file 
>15     string          binary          error   binary IRIS Inventor file
>15     string          ascii           ps      %F/textfmt -B -f
                                                    -p 11 -s %s >%o <%i
0       ascii           x               ps      %F/textfmt -B -f
                                                    -p 11 -s %s >%o <%i

I don't understand where there should be a ":".

Any ideas?


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