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Re: keep copy of outgoing faxes ?

"Jay R. Ashworth" wrote:

> Leaving them in the doneq could get a bit messy...
> Uli: three suggestions for a new release?
> Allow viewing of faxes in the done (and maybe send) queues, allow
> re-queuing from the UI, and allow configuration of an archive queue
> with viewing and re-queuing, for things like his question.


i will implement viewing of all the queues in one of the next 
release of 1.1.x .For archiving faxes i will probably add an 
interface to a database.

But be patient i am currently very buisy (the good old Y2K), 
but i think i can restart developement untill end of this year.


Ulrich Eckhardt                         Tr@nscom GbR 
http://people.frankfurt.netsurf.de/uli  http://www.transcom.de
                                        Lagerstraße 11-15 A8
                                        64807 Dieburg Germany

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