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Re: Mail to Fax

On Fri, Sep 03, 1999 at 08:42:59AM -0400, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:
> Because it is not solid on other platforms: SunOS, for example, has
> been a *delightful* adventure. It's very close to release, I think,
> and since none of us are paid for this I think we can be forgiven for
> spending time on getting details right rather than on pushing it out
> the door. The documentation, for example, needs a serious update.

Hmmm.. :-)

Nico, Darren; quick question: I've installed the beta1 (because it was
an RPM, and maybe David won't kill me :-), and it all seems to be
working fine, even on a Sportster 28k8, with only one small problem:

Faxgetty seems to recycle once a minute, leaving the MODEM message in
the log.  No other logging, no report of problem or anything, and I
notice that powering off the modem does _not_ report wedgitude in the

I haven't seen any commentary on the list, and I'm not on -devel; has
anyone else already seen this?

-- jra
Jay R. Ashworth                                                jra@baylink.com
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