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Documents right, but not complete


Setup Information:  RH Linux 5.2 (fairly stock), HylaFAX (tm) Version 4.0pl2
                    Performance(?) modem (says hayes compatible)

                    I know that whatever that modem is it's not the best,
                    but my budget will only allow me to use what's on-hand
                    which needless to say is quite depressing =)

Problem:  The only real eror is syslog from the modem is:
          "FaxGetty[1285]: ANSWER: Can not lock modem device"
          which I don't believe is anything to truly worry(?) about.  In
          fact when I submit a fax using MacFlex 1.5 for the mac to the
          HylaFAX server it talks to the server fine and if you watch the
          logs is starts to fax fine.  BUT, it will send only about the top
          1 inch of whatever I send then drag out the line (smears it or
          something) then ends the fax transmission. The error I'm getting
          is "No response to MPS or EOP repeated 3 tries; Giving up after 3
          attempts to send same page" right now.  I've been through a
          couple different configurations and have recieved different errors
          but this seems to be the most prevalent.  The big confusing matter
          here is that it starts to send fine, but doesn't.  Thx for any


| Nathan Middleton                                   Phone: 1(541)267-5561 |
| Systems Administrator                                Fax: 1(541)267-3292 |
| Cyber Communications Inc.                                 www.koalas.com |
| webmaster@koalas.com                  852 S Broadway, Coos Bay OR, 97420 |

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