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Re: Trust Communicator 33.6


On Tue, 6 Jul 1999, TheBong Pipe wrote:

> I'm trying to setup a faxserver using hylafax on an old 486dx4 100 for this 
> task only. I'm having strange troubles with my faxmodem. I was told that my 
> faxmodem is using a single dedicated phone line for outbount calls, but i'm 
> getty too much "line busy" responses by the server, and also with "Phase B 
> transmit error" or "EOP" and "MTN" errors on some connections. These are 
> random errors, and the fax sometimes works on international calls, and 
> sometimes doesn't work on local calls. The modem is a 33.6 Communicator 28.8 
> upgraded to 33.6. I also thought there could be some problems with the 
> telephone lines inside the office. There is another fax machine working, and 
> i get a busy response from the server when that machine is working, even if 
> they're on different lines. Are some "happy" configuration files out there? 
> :)

I once had a similar problem: I turned on the sound on the modem
configuration and started listening to the dialing. Turned out the
darn thing was dialing too fast for the foreign exchanges to cope with.
I don't remember the entries I had to use, but look into the "config"
command and your modem's manual.

			Nico Kadel-Garcia
			Senior Engineer, CIRL 
			Mass. Eye and Ear Infirmary

Version: 2.6.2


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