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Re: any chance for using ISDN ?

Hi Andreas,

-> thanks for your answer. Unfortunally this does not solve
-> my problems. What I'm dreaming of is a solution that
-> eleminates *any* external stuff like modems, ISDN Terminal
-> Adapters and A/B converters. A primary-rate E1/PRI interface
-> would be ideal, but I could also live with a couple of
-> basic rate S0 interfaces. In so far, I would be interested
-> in the AVM B1 solution. Where can I find more information?

ftp://ftp.avm.de/cardware/b1/linux  for drivers ...

ftp://ftp.avm.de/cardware/b1/linux/b1tools for HylaFAX


   Dirk Traenapp
N  N W   W  OO   Dirk Traenapp, (Sysadmin / Postmaster)
NN N W   W O  O  NWO, Zum Oelhafen 207, 26384 Wilhelmshaven, Germany
N NN W W W O  O  E-Mail: d.traenapp@nwowhv.de
N  N  W W   OO   Phone:  +49(0)4421 62-364    Fax: +49(0)4421 62-381

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