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Re: More compile problems with Linux 2.2


At 11:49 PM 6/1/99 -0400, David A. De Graaf wrote:
>After much effort I've achieved a successful compile of hylafax on Red
>Hat 6.0.  My problem is I don't know who's in charge here.  Who's
>assembling all the bits to bring this wonderful package up to date?

I have being incorporating patches into the main distribution for a couple
of months.  The results are posted semi-regularly to the
ftp://ftp.hylafax.org/pub/hylafax/source/BETA/ directory.  There is also a
cvs tree publically available see:
look also here:	

for details on the changes. A web page formalizing all this will probaly be
done sometime(as soon as God agrees to my request to put a few more hours
into each day ;-)

>Is anyone working toward a new release incorporating the myriad
>patches and improvements?  I would like my experience not to be
>repeated by countless others.  The details, nearly 800 lines, are too
>big for this newsgroup.

There are a couple of minor source code things stopping a release, but the
major problem by far is the html documentation which really needs some

>Briefly, I started with hylafax-v4.0pl2-tar.gz, added nearly all the
>patches from www.hylafax.org/patches/index.php, plus Robert
>Colquhoun's patch for util/Dispatcher.c++.  This devil's brew resulted
>in a configure script that wouldn't run.  

There probaly should be a link on the patches page to the BETA directory
and the cvs stuff to avoid this, at least until a formal release is out.

>After much editing, it now does run correctly and all warning messages
>are gone except for three from Socket.h that I don't know how to fix,
>but seem innocuous.  I fixed a few errors in some of the patches, and
>had to edit out some lines from port.h that provoke warnings.

Could you try the latest beta release, currently posted to:
which will be on ftp.hylafax.org sometime soon, it should build cleanly.

- Robert

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