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Problem receiving multiple pages.


I'm having problems getting HylaFAX to receive multiple pages.  No =
errors show in the log file.  Only the first page is created as a tif =
file.  All other pages are not stored.

Already Attempted

I've tried changing the Class2RecvDataTrigger like this:

Class2RecvDataTrigger:		\021

and like this

Class2RecvDataTrigger:		\022

and pages after the first still aren't created, though the first page is =
created without problem.  I tried this by a suggestion in the mailing =

I upgraded the firmware, so this isn't the problem.  Upgrading the =
firmware did solve an Unspecified Transmit Phase C error as well as an =
RSPREC invalid command error.  We got one or other other randomly until =
we upgraded the firmware, and then it worked mostly correctly.  That's =
the first place I'm going next time I have an error, is to upgrade =
firmware.  Over the past few years we're still not sure how many of the =
errors were caused by invalid firmware.


I'm using a US Robotics 33.6 which sends faxes fine.  We're using =
HylaFAX 4.0pl1 on an Silicon Graphics O2 running IRIX 6.3.  The binaries =
were from the SGI FTP site in /sgi/fax.  I'm using Ghostscript 3.33 as =
well, as suggested by the documentation.

Here's a sample log file..

Apr 19 12:35:24.48: [11469]: SESSION BEGIN 00000185 13033223245
Apr 19 12:35:24.48: [11469]: <-- [4:ATA\r]
Apr 19 12:35:33.81: [11469]: --> [4:+FCO]
Apr 19 12:35:33.81: [11469]: ANSWER: FAX CONNECTION
Apr 19 12:35:33.81: [11469]: STATE CHANGE: ANSWERING -> RECEIVING
Apr 19 12:35:33.81: [11469]: MODEM input buffering enabled
Apr 19 12:35:33.81: [11469]: RECV FAX: begin
Apr 19 12:35:35.81: [11469]: --> [27:+FTI:"          3033223245"]
Apr 19 12:35:35.81: [11469]: REMOTE TSI "3033223245"
Apr 19 12:35:35.81: [11469]: --> [20:+FCS:0,3,0,2,0,0,0,3]
Apr 19 12:35:35.81: [11469]: REMOTE wants 9600 bit/s
Apr 19 12:35:35.81: [11469]: REMOTE wants page width 1728 pixels in 215 =
Apr 19 12:35:35.81: [11469]: REMOTE wants unlimited page length=20
Apr 19 12:35:35.81: [11469]: REMOTE wants 3.85 line/mm
Apr 19 12:35:35.81: [11469]: REMOTE wants 1-D MR
Apr 19 12:35:35.81: [11469]: --> [2:OK]
Apr 19 12:35:35.81: [11469]: <-- [7:AT+FDR\r]
Apr 19 12:35:40.21: [11469]: --> [7:CONNECT]
Apr 19 12:35:40.21: [11469]: RECV: begin page
Apr 19 12:35:40.21: [11469]: RECV: send trigger 0134
Apr 19 12:35:40.21: [11469]: <-- data [1]
Apr 19 12:36:07.51: [11469]: RECV: 32757 bytes of data, 1031 total lines
Apr 19 12:36:07.71: [11469]: RECV/CQ: Bad 1D pixel count, row 1055, got =
0, expec
ted 1728
Apr 19 12:36:07.71: [11469]: RECV/CQ: Bad 1D pixel count, row 1056, got =
0, expec
ted 1728
Apr 19 12:36:07.71: [11469]: RECV/CQ: Bad 1D pixel count, row 1057, got =
0, expec
ted 1728
Apr 19 12:36:07.71: [11469]: RECV/CQ: Bad 1D pixel count, row 1058, got =
0, expec
ted 1728
Apr 19 12:36:07.71: [11469]: RECV/CQ: Bad 1D pixel count, row 1059, got =
0, expec
ted 1728
Apr 19 12:36:07.71: [11469]: RECV: 304 bytes of data, 1060 total lines
Apr 19 12:36:07.71: [11469]: RECV/CQ: Adjusting for RTC found at row =
Apr 19 12:36:07.71: [11469]: --> [17:+FPS:1,1062,0,0,0]
Apr 19 12:36:09.04: [11469]: --> [6:+FET:0]
Apr 19 12:36:09.04: [11469]: RECV recv MPS (more pages, same document)
Apr 19 12:36:09.04: [11469]: --> [2:OK]
Apr 19 12:36:09.07: [11469]: RECV send MCF (message confirmation)
Apr 19 12:36:09.07: [11469]: RECV FAX (00000185): from 3033223245, page =
1 in 0:3
4, INF, 3.85 line/mm, 1-D MR
Apr 19 12:36:09.08: [11469]: <-- [7:AT+FDR\r]
Apr 19 12:36:11.51: [11469]: --> [7:CONNECT]
Apr 19 12:36:11.51: [11469]: RECV: begin page
Apr 19 12:36:11.51: [11469]: RECV: send trigger 0134
Apr 19 12:36:11.51: [11469]: <-- data [1]
Apr 19 12:36:29.20: [11469]: RECV/CQ: Bad 1D pixel count, row 1051, got =
0, expec
ted 1728
Apr 19 12:36:29.21: [11469]: RECV/CQ: Bad 1D pixel count, row 1052, got =
0, expec
ted 1728
Apr 19 12:36:29.21: [11469]: RECV/CQ: Bad 1D pixel count, row 1053, got =
0, expec
ted 1728
Apr 19 12:36:29.21: [11469]: RECV/CQ: Bad 1D pixel count, row 1054, got =
0, expec
ted 1728
Apr 19 12:36:29.21: [11469]: RECV/CQ: Bad 1D pixel count, row 1055, got =
0, expec
ted 1728
Apr 19 12:36:29.21: [11469]: RECV: 21252 bytes of data, 1056 total lines
Apr 19 12:36:29.21: [11469]: RECV/CQ: Adjusting for RTC found at row =
Apr 19 12:36:29.21: [11469]: --> [17:+FPS:1,1059,0,0,0]
Apr 19 12:36:30.50: [11469]: --> [6:+FET:2]
Apr 19 12:36:30.51: [11469]: RECV recv EOP (no more pages or documents)
Apr 19 12:36:30.51: [11469]: --> [2:OK]
Apr 19 12:36:30.54: [11469]: RECV send MCF (message confirmation)
Apr 19 12:36:30.54: [11469]: RECV FAX (00000185): from 3033223245, page =
2 in 0:2
1, INF, 3.85 line/mm, 1-D MR
Apr 19 12:36:30.55: [11469]: RECV FAX (00000185): recvq/fax00037.tif =
from 3033223245, route to <unspecified>, 2 pages in 0:57
Apr 19 12:36:30.55: [11469]: <-- [7:AT+FDR\r]
Apr 19 12:36:33.34: [11469]: --> [7:+FHS:00]
Apr 19 12:36:33.35: [11469]: REMOTE HANGUP: Normal and proper end of =
(code 0)
Apr 19 12:36:33.35: [11469]: RECV FAX: bin/faxrcvd "recvq/fax00037.tif" =
"00000185" ""
Apr 19 12:36:33.72: [11469]: RECV FAX: end
Apr 19 12:36:33.72: [11469]: SESSION END

Here's the output of faxstat -r

gatekeeper 12# /usr/local/bin/faxstat -r
HylaFAX scheduler on gatekeeper.bmsc.com: Running
Modem ttyf2 (1.303.322.3245): Running and idle

Protect Page  Owner        Sender/TSI  Recvd@ Filename
-rw-r--    2  3            3033223245   17:58 fax00033.tif
-rw-r--    1  3            3033223245 Tue09PM fax00023.tif
-rw-r--    2  3            3033223245   17:49 fax00032.tif
-rw-r--    1  3            3033223245 Tue09PM fax00022.tif
-rw-r--    2  3            3033223245   17:47 fax00031.tif
-rw-r--    2  3            3033223245   17:42 fax00030.tif
-rw-r--    2  3            3033223245   18:36 fax00037.tif
-rw-r--    2  3            3033223245 Thu06PM fax00027.tif
-rw-r--    2  3            3033223245   18:34 fax00036.tif
-rw-r--    3  3            3033223245 Thu12AM fax00026.tif
-rw-r--    3  3            3033223245   18:31 fax00035.tif
-rw-r--    1  3            3033223245 Wed10PM fax00025.tif
-rw-r--    2  3            3033223245   18:01 fax00034.tif
-rw-r--    1  3            3033223245 Tue09PM fax00024.tif
-rw-r--    2  3            3033223245 Thu06PM fax00029.tif
-rw-r--    2  3            3033223245 Thu06PM fax00028.tif

The files that show up with '2' or more for 'Page' were faxes that were =
multiple pages in length.  However, only the first of those pages was =
properly received, and only one tif file shows up per session.


The fax modem picks up, so I don't think the problem is in /etc/inittab, =
but here's the line anyway.

t2:23:respawn:/usr/local/sbin/faxgetty ttyf2

And here are the configuration lines from =

CountryCode:            1
AreaCode:               303
FAXNumber:              1.303.322.3245
LongDistancePrefix:     1
InternationalPrefix:    011
DialStringRules:        "etc/dialrules"
ServerTracing:          1
SessionTracing:         0x1ffff
RecvFileMode:           0644
LogFileMode:            0644
DeviceMode:             0600
RingsBeforeAnswer:      1
SpeakerVolume:          high
GettyArgs:              "-h %l dx_%s"
LocalIdentifier:        BMSC
ClocalAsRoot:           yes
TagLineFont:            etc/lutRS18.pcf
TagLineFormat:          "From %%l|%c|Page %%p of %%t"
MaxRecvPages:           25
PercentGoodLines:       0
MaxConsecutiveBadLines: 1000000
ModemType:              Class2.0        # use class 2.0 interface
ModemRate:              38400           # DCE-DTE communication rate
ModemFlowControl:       rtscts          # XON/XOFF flow control assumed
ModemNoFlowCmd:         AT&H0&I0&R1     # setup modem for no flow =
ModemHardFlowCmd:       AT&H1&I0&R2     # setup modem for hardware flow =
ModemSoftFlowCmd:       AT&H2&I2&R1     # setup modem for software flow =
ModemSetupDTRCmd:       ATS13=3D1&D2      # setup so DTR drop resets =
ModemSetupDCDCmd:       AT&C1           # setup so DCD reflects carrier =
(or not)
ModemResultCodesCmd:    ATQ0X4          # enable extended result codes
ModemResetCmds:         ATS32=3D4&K1&M4
ModemWaitTimeCmd:       ATS7=3D120
Class1TCFRecvTimeout:   1000000
Class2TCFRecvTimeout:   1000000
ModemSetupAACmd:        AT+FAA=3D1
Class2NRCmd:            AT+FNR=3D1,1,1,0
ModemSetVolumeCmd:      "ATM0 ATM1 ATM1 ATM1 ATM1"
Class2BUGCmd:           AT+FBU=3D0
Class2CQQueryCmd:       !(0),(0)        # override modem response

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