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Mailmerge and print makros for whfc and MS-Word

I wrote two macros for whfc and MS-Word which might be of interest for 
The first one simple faxes the active Document via whfc and the second one 
makes it possible to use the mailmerge-function of MS-Word to send faxes with 
different contents to different faxnumbers.
Feel free to give the macros to everbody as long as you don't charge any fee 
for that.
' ***************** macro PrintAsFax begin ************************
Sub PrintAsFax()
' Macro PrintAsFax
' author: Detlev Reymann 1999
' detlev@reymann-online.de
' purpose: print the whole active document
' from MS-Word via whfc
' this is free software, you are allowed to copy and modify it
' but you are not allowed to sell it in any way
' the lines following those ending with exclamation marks possibly have
' to be modified to meet your system settings !!!

' my hylafax-server is not always online
' so I don't load whfc via autostart but
' I test wether whfc is running otherwise it is started
If Tasks.Exists("WHFC") = False Then
    ' if it is not running we start whfc
    Dim result As Integer
    result = -1
    ' in the following line you eventually have to modify the programm-location !!!
    result = Shell("C:\program files\whfc\Whfc.exe", 6)
    ' if we are not able to start whfc message and exit the macro
    If result < 0 Then
        result = MsgBox("can not start whfc", vbInformation, "attention")
        Exit Sub
    End If
End If

' Now we make the hylafax-printer the active printer.
' You have to adapt this to your system settings.
' If you are not shure about the name of your whfc-printer
' start MS-Word, activate the printer menu and have a look at the list
' which contains the printer names
ActivePrinter = "FaxPrinter"

' default is to print the whole document
Application.PrintOut FileName:="", Range:=wdPrintAllDocument, Item:= _
    wdPrintDocumentContent, Copies:=1, Pages:="", 
PageType:=wdPrintAllPages, _
    Collate:=True, Background:=True, PrintToFile:=False

' At the end of this macro we activate the standard printer again
' you have to adapt htis to your own settings again !!!
ActivePrinter = "standard printer"
End Sub
' ***************** macro PrintAsFax end ************************

' ***************** macro FaxMailMerge begin ************************
Sub FaxMailMerge()
' Macro PrintAsFax
' this macro is an extension of the macro from Keith Gray
' author: Detlev Reymann 1999, original macro: Keith Gray
' detlev@reymann-online.de
' purpose: create fax-documents and send them to different adresses
' from MS-Word via whfc using the mailmerge-possibilities of MS-Word
' the data source has to have a field which contains the phrase fax
' (e.g. fax or fax-nbr or anything like this)
' from this field the number to send the fax to is taken from
' the position of the field is not important!
' this is free software, you are allowed to copy and modify it
' but you are not allowed to sell it in any way
' possibly we will extend this macro (e.g. automatic installation)

' definitions
Dim whfc As Object
Dim OLE_Return As Long
Dim FaxNumber As String
Dim SpoolFile As String
Dim Title As String
Dim NbrOfFields As Integer
Dim FieldWithFaxNbr As Integer
Dim NbrOfFaxes As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim TelefaxNrField As Integer
Dim result As Integer

' the active document has to be a main mail-merge document and it has to have
' an associated data-source document
' that is, what we test, if without succes we stop the macro
If ActiveDocument.MailMerge.State <> wdMainAndDataSource Then
    result = MsgBox("not a mail merge document or no data source", 
vbInformation, "error")
    Exit Sub
End If

' Now we see how many faxes to print
' the number of faxes is the number of the last record
ActiveDocument.MailMerge.DataSource.ActiveRecord = wdLastRecord
NbrOfFaxes = ActiveDocument.MailMerge.DataSource.ActiveRecord

' make the first record the active record
ActiveDocument.MailMerge.DataSource.ActiveRecord = wdFirstRecord

' now we look which of the field names contains the phrase fax.
' this is the field we take the fax-number from
NbrOfFields = ActiveDocument.MailMerge.DataSource.DataFields.Count

' we save the field-number in FieldWithFaxNbr
For FieldWithFaxNbr = 1 To NbrOfFields
    If InStr(1, 
"fax") > 0 Then
        TelefaxNrField = FieldWithFaxNbr
        Exit For
    End If
Next FieldWithFaxNbr
' if we don't find a field wich contains the phrase fax
' we stop the macro
If i > NbrOfFields Then
    result = MsgBox("can not find a field for the fax-numbers", vbInformation, 
    Exit Sub
End If

' we make a OLE-connection to whfc
Set whfc = CreateObject("WHFC.OleSrv")

' we need a postscript printer.
' I had some problems as I tried to use the printer, which is 
' connected to the WHFC-Port
' So I installed a separate printer which is connected to a file
' You have to modify the following line to meet your system settings !!!
ActivePrinter = "Apple Color LW 12/600 PS"

' now we print a fax for all data-records which contain a faxnumber
For i = 1 To NbrOfFaxes
	' for each fax we create a temporary file
	' you have to adapt the path to your system-settings !!!
	SpoolFile = "C:\windows\temp\fax" & i & ".ps"
	Title = "WHFC OLE MailMergeMacro"
	' to be able to use the field contents of the active record
	' within the active mailmerge-document
	' we have to do:
	' show the fields not the field-codes
	ActiveWindow.View.ShowFieldCodes = False
	' show the values of the active record
	ActiveWindow.View.MailMergeDataView = True
	' we take the faxnumber from the field we found before
    FaxNumber = 
    ' we only send a fax if there is a faxnumber
    If FaxNumber > "" Then     
		' we print the whole document to the temporary file
		Application.PrintOut FileName:="", 
Range:=wdPrintCurrentPage, _
			Item:=wdPrintDocumentContent, Copies:=1, 
Pages:="", _
			PageType:=wdPrintAllPages, Collate:=True, 
Background:=True, _
			PrintToFile:=True, OutputFileName:=SpoolFile, 
		' the file is send to whfc via OLE
		OLE_Return = whfc.SendFax(SpoolFile, FaxNumber, True)
		' if it does not work - error message
		If OLE_Return <= 0 Then
			result = MsgBox("error connecting to WHFC", 16, Titel)
		End If
	End If
	' get next record
	ActiveDocument.MailMerge.DataSource.ActiveRecord = wdNextRecord
Next i

' stop OLE-connection
Set whfc = Nothing

' activation of the standard printer
' please adapt to your system settings !!!
ActivePrinter = "standard printer"
End Sub
' ***************** macro MailMergeFax end ************************


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Prof. Dr. Detlev Reymann
FH Wiesbaden
Studienstandort Geisenheim
Fachbereich Gartenbau und Landespflege
von-Lade-Strasse 1
Tel. 06722-502732
Fax: 06722-502380
EMail: D.Reymann@geisenheim.fbl.fh-wiesbaden.de
Meine Webseite: http://www.mnd.fh-wiesbaden.de/~dreymann

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