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Re: sending a fax to all user with hylafax

> Case "$SENDER" in
> *)	SENDTO=user1@somehost;;
> *)	SENTTO=user2@somehost;;
> esac but what ever I try, only the first user in the FaxDispatch file get
> the fax.

Yes.  That's the way that shell case statements work.

> Do I need a loop in the faxrcvd file or do I need for every user an entry in
> the faxrcvd file....or what else...?

The correct way of doing this is to create an alias in your mail transport
system (similar to the faxmaster alias - in some cases you may actually
use this one - that the installation instructions request you to add).
You might also be able to do SENDTO="user1@somehost user2@somehost ...",
but I'd need to look at the script.

> And where can I find more about "how to setup the faxrcvd skript" and a
> description of the commands.

Any of the many books on Unix shell programming or the Unix programming
environment, or the man page for bash.  The Linux Documentation Project
books that almost certainly coame with your system include a couple that
ought to cover this area.

P.S.  Although, in the same way that no operating system means Windows 95
(changing to 98), Linux usually means a recent Red Hat distribution using
binary RPMs.  You should state exact versions of the Linux distribution
and Hylafax and should indicate from where you obtained Hylafax.
Note that most people will still not know what version of Hylafax you
are really using unless you list all the patches that have been applied
to the source.

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