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Hylafax compilation problems

I'm having some trouble compiling hylafax-v4.0pl2 on a linux-2.2.2 box
with gcc version egcs-2.91.57 19980901 (egcs-1.1 release). 

In the util dir, compilation of SendFaxJob.c++ fails with a 

SendFaxJob.c++:499: no matching function for call to
`SendFaxClient::sendZData (int &, fxBool (FaxClient::)(fxStr &, fxStr &),
fxStr &, fxStr &)'
FaxClient.h:273: candidates are: FaxClient::sendZData(int, fxBool
(FaxClient::*)(fxStr &, fxStr &), fxStr &, fxStr &)

I'm no c++ wizard, and I'm sure I could solve it, if I was, but I'm
assuming this has something to do with egcs' strict prototyping.
Could I be wrong? I'm using standard egcs with the libg++ that was made
specifically for it. Maybe I should chuch libg++, but I'm thinking it's a
compiler problem, not a header problem.

Thanks in advance,

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