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Re: Re: Problems printing faxes

Thanks to all for your help.  It turns out the fax user did not have
permission to read the ghostscript
directory.   I changed the permissions and now can print.


-----Original Message-----
From: Damian A Ivereigh <damian@cisco.com>
To: Mark Comins <mark@aperion.com>
Cc: flexfax@sgi.com <flexfax@sgi.com>
Date: Wednesday, February 17, 1999 7:39 PM
Subject: flexfax: Re: Problems printing faxes

>I don't know the answer to your problem, but it is almost certainly
>one of environment. How good are you at debugging shell scripts? Put
>the command:-
>set > /tmp/log
>at the top of your script. Recieve a fax and hopefully a complete list
>of the enviroment should appear in the file /tmp/log.
>move /tmp/log out of the way and then run your script again manually -
>another log file should appear. Now compare the two. Look for
>significant differences in variables like PATH, GSLIB and any other GS
>Are you running it manually as root? Could you have a permission
>problem - try running it manually as the user "fax", or any other
>normal user.
>You've just got to think of all the possible differences and work from
>Mark Comins wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> I am trying to get faxrcvd to print out faxes as they are received.  My
>> script works fine if I go to the ..spool/recvq directory and execute the
>> script with the faxid as $1.  I modified the faxrcvd script and added in
>> my script file.  The faxes do not print when I get a fax but I am getting
>> an error saying
>>         Alladin Ghostscript: Can't find initialization file gs_init.ps
>> I saw some mention of a GSLIB variable in the help file.  I tried putting
>> GSLIB=/usr/local/share/ghostscript/5.50;export GSLIB in the script file
>> and that did not work.  Below is a copy of the script:
>> /usr/local/HylaFAX-v4.0/tiffbin/fax2ps $1|gs -q -sDEVICE=ljet4
>> -dNOPAUSE -sOutputFile=- -|lpr -oraw -s
>> What confuses me is that I can run this command at the system prompt and
>> it prints.  Within faxrcvd it will not print and gives the ghostscript
>> error. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
>> thanks,
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Mark Comins
>> Aperion Information Technologies, Inc.
>> Oxford, MI  48371
>> (248) 969-9791
>> mtcomins@aperion.com
>> http://www.aperion.com
>* Damian Ivereigh     *      ||        ||      * Cisco Systems, Inc.
>* MIS Printer Admin   *    .||||.    .||||.    * Sydney, Australia
>* Linux Bigot         * ..:||||||:..:||||||:.. * +61 2 8448 7344
>* damian@cisco.com    *   cisco Systems, Inc.  * Fax: +61 2 8448 7228

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