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SuSE confusion

has any one been able to unravel all of the conflicting instructions
SuSE 5.3 has about the HylaFax setup? particularly the mgetty.config
file and the getty args that are to be changed in the config.modem file
of hylafax?

in short - i have installed hylafax server and
client....faxsend,sendpage, and fax receive work fine....no data receive

think i have read everything there is....i setup exactly as in suse
directions .....
hylafax v4.0p12-17, modem is Boca v.34 (faxaddmodem reports as class1)
have tried to use AdaptiveAnswer with AnswerRotary and the best result
i've gotten so far is : ANSWER: Ring detected without succesful

does anyone have SuSE 5.3 running with Hylafax installed using a class 1

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