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Re: DID Support?

Dear Mr Chris Wood,

Since most of the modem supporting voice and messaging, it should also
could accept DID/DTMP signal buffering and past to the fax software. The
only problem is whether Hylafax could be modified to support it. I been
waiting for long time of this solution.

Also, I do hope that Hylafax could support Gammalink CP4/LSI. This
expensive card integrate 4 modem with cpu+ram, very fast in image rastering.

For those Hylafaxer, please let me know if you have above solution.

Thank you.

With best regards,

Norman Man

At 04:50 PM 10/26/98 -0700, Chris Wood wrote:
>Does Hylafax support DID (assuming the modem does, etc)?
>Also, I know this is a FAQ question, but the FAQ looked a tad outdated...
>Is hylafax still under development?
>Chris Wood                         Kitco, Inc.
>801-489-2097                       Wencor West, Inc.
>[cwood@wencor.com]                 Durham Aircraft Services

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