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Re: Corrupted image on faxes sent from Hylafax

In message <Pine.GSU.4.03.9810081221420.13702-100000@earhook>, Nico Kadel-Garci
a writes:
>You neglect to mention the OS you are using.

Are you sure? The message I received contained:

fredrick@acd.ucar.edu said:
> RPM Version:		hylafax-4.0pl2-3rh5
> OS:			Redhat Linux 5.1 
> Kernel:		2.1.122 
> Modem:		Multitech MT2834ZPXb 

>> #Send a test fax to 3rd floor Fax machine
>> cat /usr/local/src/gs/gs5.10/tiger.ps | sendfax -d fredrick@9,5555555555 -c 
>comments123 -R -f "Tim Fredrick" -r "regarding 456" -v
>Could you have an old ghostscript in place being used by your sendfax?
>What does "gs -h" say?

Hmmm . . . maybe.

I'm also concerned about the commandline . . . especially the addition of all those fancy options AFTER you specify the destination with -d.

>From sendfax(1):

       The  order  of options on the command line is significant.
       Each fax to be transmitted is assigned the  current  value
       of  parameters specified on the command line; e.g. whether
       or not to generate a cover page.  This means that  options
       that  specify parameters for a particular destination must
       precede the dialstring specified with the -d option.   For

              sendfax -n -d 5551212 /etc/passwd

       submits a fax to 5551212 that has no cover page while

              sendfax -d 5551212 -n /etc/passwd

       submits  the same fax but with the default cover page han-

It's probably not going to make a bit of difference, but could you indulge me and try something like:

#Send a test fax to 3rd floor Fax machine
sendfax -c comments123 -R -f "Tim Fredrick" -r "regarding 456" -v -d fredrick@9,5555555555 /usr/local/src/gs/gs5.10/tiger.ps

Finally, I don't suppose you've made any changes to default-cover.ps, have you?

What if you run sendfax with the -n option to suppress coverpage generation?

Just some random thoughts. Nice to see people using the RPM!!!


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