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Re: Modem ZyXEL U-336E

>>>>> On Wed, 2 Sep 1998, "NS" == Nagy Szabolcs wrote:

  NS> Hi ,

  NS> Can you tell me that Hylafax-4.0pl1-9 under Linux 5.0 (Hurricane) with
  NS> kernel 2.0.32 support ZyXEL U-336E modems without any problem ?

I do not have a ZyXEL modem so I cannot answer your question with much 
confidence . . . HylaFAX does seem to work well with most XyXELs according to 
the members of this list however.

Please do not consider installing the Hylafax-4.0pl1-9 RPM, it's old. I am now 
maintaining the RPM and you can get the latest snapshot at:



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