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Re: Rules by telephone number. . .


On Sun, 2 Aug 1998, Arthur Corliss wrote:

> I've been using Hylafax for awhile, now, in my workplace up in Anchorage, Alaska.  :-)  Running off of a Slackware Linux box, and running like a champ.  Recently, however, we've run into a small problem.
> One of our in house programs is a rather brain dead little app that decides to ignore specified page ranges.  Because these faxes are going to our competitor (we're in the telecommunications business, among other things), we can't allow those multiple p
> es to print.  Debugging that piece of crap Windows program isn't an option, since we're working full bore towards replacing it, anyway, with a Remedy system.

Wait: The Windows program's print handling ignores the selection of which
pages to handle? Gack.

> Temporarily, I've modified the ps2fax script to use the psselect tool (part of a postcript tools tarball I found on sunsite.unc.edu) to extract only the first page, and render that.  The downside of this is that we can no longer fax anything longer than
> ne page, should we have some other place to send it.

Hmm. Why not translate the file to TIFF, then use the "tiffcp" tool on
it to split up the file and select the desired pages? Or is the file
wastefully large to handle this way? Or can you get into the ghostscript
options and pull the pages that way (since ps2fax uses ghostscript?)

It's an interesting problem...

			Nico Garcia
			Senior Engineer, CIRL 
			Mass. Eye and Ear Infirmary

Version: 2.6.2


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