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faxgetty conspiracy?

I've downloaded the HylaFAX sources and compiled the lot on a linux box.

To my surprise, no faxgetty was compiled. Sources seem to be
non-existent in the distribution(s) I downloaded.

I've downloaded all the 4.0 distributions, pl0, pl1 and pl2. All
distributions don't have faxgetty included. I also downloaded the redhat
.rpm binary distribution of HylaFAX. This didn't have faxgetty included

While browsing the documentation at www.vix.com I tried to access the
faxgetty manual page at 'http://www.vix.com/cgi-bin/manpage?1+faxgetty'.
The page is empty and doesn't return any contents. I tried downloading
the page with Netscape, MSIE and Lynx. All browsers return an empty

The reason I've been (re)installing HylaFAX is because for some or other
strange reason faxgetty was removed from my (linux) system at home. It
seems to have been deleted at a time I wasn't working on the computer
(2:41 a.m., may 6 1998). At least, that's the last time the directory
contents were modified. Since then faxgetty has gone missing.


* faxgetty disappears from system
* current sources don't seem to include faxgetty
* manual page of faxgetty at www.vix.com doesn't contain any data

Is this a conspiracy or what? Somebody (or something) is out to destroy

Did I miss something?


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