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Re: whfc & win95 Postscript driver

Thanks for the hint.  I had in fact read the FAQ, but missed that point in
item #1 (sorry!)

In the English edition of Win95, the phrase they use is

	Postscript (optimize for portability - ADSC)

Otherwise, we're using the Apple Laserwriter driver, as recommended.  I hope 
this solves the problem.  Thanks.

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>From uli@transcom.de Tue Mar  3 07:33:31 1998
Sender: uli@transcom.de
Date: Tue, 03 Mar 1998 08:54:46 +0100
From: Ulrich Eckhardt <uli@transcom.de>
Organization: Transcom
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.03 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.0.33 i586)
Mime-Version: 1.0
To: Glenn Burkhardt <glenn@aoi.ultranet.com>
Subject: Re: flexfax: whfc & win95 Postscript driver
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Glenn Burkhardt wrote:
> Has anyone seen this too?  Intermittently, the Win95 Postscript driver
> sticks a bogus character into the file (e.g., ^T), and Ghostcript
> doesn't process the file when it's transferred to the Hylafax server.
> We're using WHFC 0.7.0.  The problem with Ghostscript occurs with both
> version 3.33 and 5.10.
> Perhaps what's called for is a filter in WHFC to clean the file before
> transmission....
> Thanks.


have you set the postscript options to maximum portability ? and=20
wich printerdriver do you use. Have a look in the WHFC Faq for=20
recommended printer drivers and settings.

Ulrich Eckhardt       http://people.frankfurt.netsurf.de/uli
Signalgro=DFtat des wu-ftpd 2,4 (unvollst=E4ndig?)
Cgi-Sicherheitsbohrung in EWS (regen Sie f=FCr Webservers auf)
[Translation from an english text to german by AltaVista]

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