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How to Automatically Start Hylafax Server

Hi, can anyone tell me how to automatically start the Hylafax server
processes and config files from my init script? I'm running Slackware
Linux 3.0 and I have the lines:

/usr/local/bin/faxmodem ttyS1

in the /etc/rc.d/rc.local, scripts but I still need to run faxsetup
manually before Hylafax will send faxes. I'd like to have the server start
and be configured automatically after a reboot. 

Btw, I'm running Hylafax v4.0pl1 in a send only environment and hfaxd is
started from inetd.



*       Trevor Astrope         *        TABB Web Services        *
*     astrope@tabbweb.com      *       http://www.tabbweb.com    *
*                                                                *
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