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Re: hylafax can't reach the fax successfully

> 1.      The hylafax server acceppt incoming connections on my modem ( Hayes
> comp. ), but he hangsup the partner sends the fax.

Effectively all modems are "Hayes compatible".

>         In the syslog stays the messages : 
>         session with terminated abnormally: Missing EOL after 5 secondes (
> section 3.2/T.4)

Wild guess:  flow control.

However, without the exact modem model and a proper trace of the dialogue
with the modem, there is really no information to go on here.

Confirmation that you installed from source and, especially if you didn't,
but even if you did, the operating system version (and for Linux both the
kernel and distribution versions and ideally the version of all shared
libraries used by Hylafax) is also really needed.

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