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Re: Fax != uucp

On Mon, 24 Nov 1997, Leslie Mikesell wrote:

> > On Fri, 21 Nov 1997, Jonathan Chen wrote:
> > 
> > > > Has anyone looked at the implications (or difficulty) of just changing
> > > > the name 'fax' as used internally by HylaFax to 'uucp' so this
> > > > wouldn't be an issue?
> > > 	#define  FAX_USER        "uucp"  /* account name of the ``fax user'' */
> > > What do the others think?
> > 
> > I did not change the defined FAX_USER variable, but I changed the
> > setup-scripts faxsetup and faxaddmodem and I gave fax another uid than
> > uucp and it works...
> The problem here is that you can't share usage of the modems with any
> other programs (uucp, cu, kermit, etc.) that depend on the modem

I can, because all the fax-stuff runs with uid uucp. The fax user is in
the same group (uucp) as uucp is (what else). And /var/lock is set rwx for
the group uucp.

> device being writable by uucp's uid.  If you use any such programs
> the uid has to match or the system permissions won't work.  The
> text of the name is only cosmetic.

	Carsten Hoeger
Carsten Hoeger  - S.u.S.E. GmbH -  Gebhardtstr. 2  -  90762 Fuerth  -  Germany
fax +49-911-3206727      web http://www.suse.de        mailbox +49-911-3247122
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