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Re: Problem with binary on Linux 2.0.30

On Fri, 12 Sep 1997, Phil Watkinson wrote:

> At 09:31 12/09/1997 --100, Alessandro Coppelli wrote:

> >   I don't have the file Courie-Bold. Where is it ?
> This is an addition to Q44 - No font metric information found - that is
> waiting for the next update of the FAQ; please read it in conjunction with
> the existing text.
>    It is worth emphasizing that textfmt doesn't use the ghostscript
>    Fontmap. It looks for a file, for instance, called 'Courier-Bold.afm'
>    and, if it cannot find that, a file called 'Courier-Bold' in the AFM
>    directory. If you want to use the ghostscript fonts, which use a 
>    dos-compatible 8.3 filename format, you will have to provide your 
>    own links.

Or, you can use a Perl script I wrote 'fontmap.pl'. I submitted it to
the incoming directory of the flexfax site, but it's no longer there...
*or* in the contrib area either.

The purpose of 'fontmap.pl' is to parse the Fontmap file and create the
appropriate symlinks between the afm files there and the names textfmt

>    Alternatively, there is a set of afm fonts included in the source 
>    package; or if you have a binary distribution, there is a seperate
>    file called afm-tar.gz at ftp.sgi.com/sgi/fax/binary.

The problem with this approach is that the afm files supplied in afm-tar
won't necessarily match your actual fonts. Linking the afm files you
already have -- matched to the fonts you have -- to proper names, is less
of a band-aid.

Does anyone involved with the FTP site where fontmap.pl is now that it's
gone from 'incoming'?

- Evan

PS: I also submitted a revision to Q44 of the FAQ in July.

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