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UCP paging (SMS/GSM): originator, authentication, character set


in Yngvi's sources that add UCP capabilities, I missed the ability
to specify the sender of the message. And the character set for SMS
seems to be very distantly related to iso 8859-1. I've added a new
option to the info file called "pageSource", it specifies the sender of
the message. This will in many cases be identical to the Fax number,
but in some cases, like may own GSM phone, it may be the number of
the phone, which is different from the Fax number. A gigantic switch
statement translates all iso8859-1 characters to something recognizable
in the GSM alphabet, most of the time following the character set
RFC 1345. Furthermore, the pagerPassword option is used for UCP
authentication, if present.

I've been using this code now for a few days together with a HTML frontend
without bigger problems.


1.  get Yngvi's stuff from


    install according to his instructions.
2.  Add the option pageSource to the files faxd/FaxMachineInfo.{c++,h}
3.  replace faxd/ucpSendApp.{c++,h} by the files you find on


    rename the file ucpSendApp.cpp you find there to ucpSendApp.c++
4.  recompile and install.

You should now be able to send SMS messages containing characters like []{},
which are not allowed by the GSM alphabet (at least in Switzerland). They
will be mapped to <()>(!!).

Possible Problems:

1.  If you compile under Solaris 2.5 with gcc 2.7.2, you must turn off
    optimization for the file SNPPServer.c++, because an optimizer bug
    in the method dataCmd() breaks the DATA command of the SNPP server.
2.  If you use the thing in Switzerland to call the SMS center 1529300,
    be sure not to use the Hylafax recommended dial string ATDT%s@, the
    @ does not work. Simply use ATDT%s.

Hopefully, someone finds this thing useful. Regards

					Andreas Mueller

Dr. Andreas Mueller                 Beratung und Entwicklung
Bubental 53, CH - 8852 Altendorf            <afm@othello.ch>
Voice: +41 55 462 1483             Fax/Data: +41 55 462 1485

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