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Re: Is hylafax sleeping?

At 01:40 PM 7/15/97 +0200, Ramon Arxer i Galabert wrote:
>I've some doubts about my configuration:
>    * My fax configuration, I run "faxgetty" on the "rc.local" file with
>the following command :
>            faxgetty cua1&
I am running RedHat Linux 4.0 with HylaFAX 4.0pl1, and start faxgetty at
bootup with this entry in my /etc/inittab file :-

	# Run faxgetty for the modem
	t2:23:respawn:/usr/local/sbin/faxgetty cua1

I don't use the old protocol nor pagers, so my rc.local file only has the
following :-

	# Start HylaFAX fax server
	/usr/local/sbin/hfaxd -i hylafax

So, a faxstat command returns :-

	[~]# faxstat
	HylaFAX scheduler on derrick.elgro.co.uk: Running
	Modem cua1 (722304): Running and idle

May be worth a go. Hope it helps,

Phil Watkinson,
Boston, UK.

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