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Re: Email to fax gateway

Hylafax V4.x supports this for servers running sendmail. Smail has problems.
qmail is not supported yet.

> At 06:07 PM 7/9/97 -0400, Patrick Gardella <patrick@cre8tivegroup.com> wrote:
> >Hello,
> >
> >I am in a big bind.  I need to find a software that will give me email to
> fax.  
> >I want to be able to send an email from anywhere in the country to a
> computer 
> >setup as a fax server.  Can HylaFAX do this?  It seems like it should be able
> >to....
> How about something like procmail? It will filter incoming mail, and then
> direct a message with a specified address - say fax@aserver.com  - onto
> HylaFAX.
> The procmail recipe may be on the lines of :-
> 	:0:
> 	* ^To.*fax@aserver.com
> 	| /usr/local/bin/faxmail -v -n -d.....
> Aagh, just realized the problem - where would faxmail get the destination
> phone number from ?? Perhaps it could be part of the mail address and 
> procmail could parse it out... but this is getting very clever and well
> beyond my capabilities. 
> If you think this maybe worth further investigation, there is a listserver
> at :
> 	procmail-d-request@informatik.rwth.aachen.de
> As usual, you send an email to the above with the word 'subscribe' as the
> subject to join the list.
> Good luck!
> Cheers,
> Phil Watkinson,
> Boston, UK.

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