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Re: Email to fax gateway

At 06:07 PM 7/9/97 -0400, Patrick Gardella <patrick@cre8tivegroup.com> wrote:
>I am in a big bind.  I need to find a software that will give me email to
>I want to be able to send an email from anywhere in the country to a
>setup as a fax server.  Can HylaFAX do this?  It seems like it should be able

How about something like procmail? It will filter incoming mail, and then
direct a message with a specified address - say fax@aserver.com  - onto

The procmail recipe may be on the lines of :-
	* ^To.*fax@aserver.com
	| /usr/local/bin/faxmail -v -n -d.....

Aagh, just realized the problem - where would faxmail get the destination
phone number from ?? Perhaps it could be part of the mail address and 
procmail could parse it out... but this is getting very clever and well
beyond my capabilities. 

If you think this maybe worth further investigation, there is a listserver
at :

As usual, you send an email to the above with the word 'subscribe' as the
subject to join the list.

Good luck!
Phil Watkinson,
Boston, UK.

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