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Re: Wordperfect - Fax

According to Roger Cornelius:
>>	wprint -f tmp.dsk -p hplj3pps.prs mydoc
>>The system did nothing and I cannot find the tmp.dsk anywhere. So I change
>>the command to :
>You didn't specify a port name, consequently, according to the wprint
>docs, the job would go to the selected printer as specified in your
>.wp51.set file, or the system selected printer if no .wp51.set is found.

another gotcha with wprint is that you have to be careful how you
saved the document.  You must make sure that you do not have the "fast
save" option on because wprint expects the document to be saved in the
formatted state otherwise it will not work.

Brett Lymn, Computer Systems Administrator, British Aerospace Australia
  What do you get when you cross a cantaloup with a dog?        Melancholy :-P

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