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Re: faxmodem command not executed after reboot

> 	I'm running HylaFAX v4.0pl1 under BSDI v2.1.  My problem is whenever I
> reboot the server I must manually execute "faxmodem tty01" in order to
> get the modem to dial the paging terminal.  Is there a way to make this
> happen automatically after rebooting.

You have to write this command in the /etc/rc.local archive

C ya!

Jacobo Badillo Villeda			CIATEQ A.C.
Redes y Telecomunicaciones		Av. del Retablo # 150
e-mail: jacob@ciateq.mx			Quer�taro, Qro.
talk:   jacob@techin.ciateq.conacyt.mx	Tel. 16-44-50 

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