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A few mail -> fax questions

Hi, I have a simple (?) email ->fax question.

i've have mailfax and faxmail running for quite some time,
and it runs wonderfully :^)

I have faxmail do a direct delivery to sendfax..

My question is: can i, have faxmail tell sendfax to NOT send
a confirmation email message??

Basically i'd like to pass the -N option to sendfax..
(right now i have notification enabled in hyla.conf for delivery and errors)

what I want is that anyone using sendfax will get a confirmation
email, but people using the email->fax gateway will not get
a notification..

Along those lines, in an even better solution that i'm
looking for is if, through the email headers, I can 
have it not email a confirmation back..

that way some people that use the email -> fax gateway
will get a confirmation, while others will not.

I looked into MailUser faxmail header, but that's just for 
logging into the fax server, not for the email notifications..

				Thanks for any help!

				Mark Musone
				After Five Technology

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