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[hylafax-devel] Re: Bug 23 - the Documentation needs a little work
At 01:27 AM 8/22/00 +0400, Dmitry Bely wrote:
>Lee Howard <faxguy@deanox.com> writes:
>> In particular I have recently noticed that man 5F config does not list all
>> of the Class2 variable options.
Class2CQQueryCmd (doesn't appear in the *first* Class 2.0 list, but does in
the second combined 2 and 2.0 list)
>> You'll want to review the actual variables
>> in faxd/ModemConfig.c++ and document them. In man config there are two
>> lists for each Class, one of them is just a list with the defaults, and the
>> other is a list with explanations. These two lists do not always agree
>> 100%.
>Hope to hear from you soon,
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