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[hylafax-devel] Re: ANNOUNCE - bug tracking system


And you could do the same thing with an AIX and sign me up as the default
owner, I'd be cool with that, though I'm not sure of the ramifications
of that <g>..

> >>>>> On Wed, 16 Aug 2000, "Mail" == Mail Delivery Subsystem wrote:
>   Mail> Alternatively, I could make a separate 'product' for 'HylaFAX Binary
>   Mail> Packages' with sub-components for each package type.
>   Mail> What are the group's thoughts?
> Cool plan - how about making a RedHat RPM subcomponent and signing me up as the
> default owner?
> -d

	Steve Williams, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
	Genie Computer Systems Inc.

"A man doesn't begin to attain wisdom until he recognizes that he is 
 no longer indispensable."
- Admiral Richard E. Byrd ( 1888-1957 )

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