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[hylafax-devel] Re: Pep talk
I suggest:
Reclassify 4.1beta2 as 4.1 (or 5.0) and advertise it as such on
hylafax.org; punters are cautious of trying a beta package and deterred by
the age of the "stable" package. Progress will follow an expanding user
Publish a tarball of the current CVS as x.ybeta1; adventurous punters will
find and solve problems in it, or revert to the current beta if it's a
Merge the devel mailing list back into the user list; I'd guess that the
devel subscribers also follow the user list, but feel disinclined to reply
to queries on it. Punters try hylafax but drop it if they submit problems
and don't get helpful replies. Talented punters may follow the user list
but lose interest when they don't see informed traffic. This is
particularly significant as the devel list is not available as a
searchable archive. I know there's a pang of guilt whenever answerable
messages are silently deleted, but getting a thank-you when your reply
solves it for someone is very gratifying.
Don't fret about publishing stuff that's less than perfect, so long as it
ain't a dog. There's plenty of folks who'll make an rpm from a viable
package, or able to quickly hack stuff that works for linux to work on
their SCO/HP-UX etc boxes.
Best Regards,
Mark Wilson
P. Kay Associates Ltd.
On Thu, 10 Aug 2000, Darren Nickerson wrote:
> >>>>> On Thu, 10 Aug 2000, "Joe" == Joe Phillips wrote:
> Joe> Right now, I don't know what needs work and HylaFAX is too big to just
> Joe> jump into the source without a reason.
> I think it's fair to say that if we could get libtiff and RTN fixes out the
> door to our satisfaction, and make sure all of Dmitry's stuff got in when it's
> appropriate (Class1/2 tweaks & fixes), then the only other thing we need to
> do is make sure the new release builds cleanly on architectures other than
> linux/x86.
> -d
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