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[hylafax-devel] Re: Pep talk
On Thu, Aug 10, 2000 at 09:06:48AM +0200, Claas Hilbrecht wrote:
> > As someone else mentioned, the website is stale. There are many old and
> > out-dated "news" items and I don't get the impression that it is very
> This is a problem. What is mostly annoing is that the "recommended
> modem list" lists many modems you can't buy anymore.
exactly the type of stuff I'm referring to. old, outdated info.
> > I suggest that we then make a "beta" release of the current CVS with the
> > README pointing users to http://bugs.hylafax.org/ for problems. Once
> I think most users don't know how to use CVS and prefer getting a new
> beta rpm with most bug fixed.
What I meant was tar up the latest from CVS and label it beta/alpha whatever.
I agree with you. I use CVS in my day-to-day work but when it comes to
getting third party software, I'm looking for an RPM or tarball or solaris
package, not CVS.
> > bugs have been logged and categorized we can move forward and solve the
> > problems.
> I don't know bugzilla but anything is better than the current
> situation.
My intention is "let's move forward." some may not like bugzilla. It may
not even address the group's needs fully, but at least it's a step in the
right direction.
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