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[hylafax-devel] Re: Pep talk
on 31/7/00 2:14 pm, Robert Colquhoun at rjc@trump.net.au wrote:
> The problem you mentioned i have only seen on linux/PPC - did you try
> putting Sys:write()'s around the problem statement.
.. yes I did. Unfortunately, there was a compile error associated with one
of your suggested lines ;-( It was some sort of type mismatch.
However, I ran an unmodified FaxMachineLog.c++ for a while to see if I could
narrow down the problem. The receive seems to work through most of the fax,
generating log messages as it goes. It's right at the end of the receive
process that the error occurs - perhaps when the message stating the end of
reception has finished.
It would be worth tracking down the code that generates that final message
to see if it's the problem - but where is it?
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