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[hylafax-devel] Re: Hylafax recvstats shell porting problem on Solaris 8

>>>>> On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, "Paul" == Paul Eggert wrote:

  Paul> I ran into a problem when using the latest Hylafax recvstats (RCS Id:
  Paul> 1.4) on Solaris 8. recvstats assumes POSIX shell features (namely the
  Paul> NOCLOBBER stuff) but it uses /bin/sh.  On Solaris 8, /bin/sh is not a
  Paul> POSIX-compliant shell.

  Paul> Here is a patch.

Thanks. For the sake of consistency, I tidied up faxcron, recvstats AND 

Update of /usr/local/cvsroot/hylafax/util
In directory sinkhole.tpc.int:/tmp/cvs-serv11566

Modified Files:
faxcron.sh.in recvstats.sh.in xferfaxstats.sh.in 
Log Message:
recvstats assumes POSIX shell features (namely the OCLOBBER stuff) but it uses
/bin/sh. Use @SCRIPT_SH@ instead, and extend to faxcron and xferfaxstats also.
Contributed by Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>.


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