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[hylafax-devel] Re: new faxrcvd/patch for faxgetty in order to use extring message

On Wed, 19 Jul 2000, Markus Wuebben wrote:

> Some modems like the ELSA TQV/TLV series have a nifty little feature
> which gives us the called number(ISDN MSN) in the RING message.
> (e.g. RING;00293291234234;380 In this case the 380 has been called)
> Using this capability we can establish an MSN->Email or MSN->Printer 
> mapping and deliver the received fax to an email address or Printer
> directly without any further processing by an administrator.
> This is neat especially in office envirnoments where a central
> communication server exists and the users all have own email addresses or
> a  printer next to their desk.  Each user will then have his/her own
> faxnumber and  get their faxes delivered either via email or directly to 
> their printer (windows/unix) and all this with only 1 receive modem and no 
> further processing by an adminstrator.
> We started out using mgetty and worked out a patch which calls the receiver
> script with another argument, the as we call it "extended ring message".
> Then we looked at faxgetty because hylafax was our preferred choice for 
> sending faxes anyway. We also didnt like the constraint that we needed at 
> least two modems to receive and send faxes when using mgetty+hylafax. 
> That made me hack a patch that lets faxgetty call faxrcvd with another
> argument, the extended ring message. We just renamed our receiver script 
> from new_fax (thats how it was called in the mgetty times) to faxrcvd and
> did some little modifaction in the script and there we were. hylfax was
> able to dispatch to different email addresses / printers according to the 
> called number.
> If the users wants a different encoding instead of tiff (which is specified
> in the global config file) the script will convert the fax into whatever
> format the user wants it (given the format is support by our faxrcvd).
> Currently this is gif, tiff, g3. Adding more is a matter of usually
> adding 2 or 3 lines of code. 
> An now I come to the point ;)
> Are you interested in this stuff? If so I will make the stuff public as soon
> as possible.  
> Comments and suggestions are highly appreciated.
Some additional info:
actually its not the TQV/TLV series, but only the Elsa TLV/34, wich
is a hybrid analog/isdn modem.
There might be some others (hopefully, the TLV34 is expensive) but we dont
know of any so far.
Also, one of the EICON isdn cards  can do this (i cant remember wich
model right now, will supply info later)
The manufacturer has an emulation layer for it wich allows one to use it
with hylafax.

Furthermore you need an ISDN PBX wich is able to forward the called MSN on
the S0 bus and can be configured to forward several numbers to a single
phone jack.
They are quite common here in germany , but as ISDN isnt as common in
other parts of the world.... 

> Later,
> Markus


Arne Hueggenberg <hueggenberg@ID-PRO.de> (Products & Development)
* ID-PRO Deutschland GmbH Arnsberg * Moehnestrasse 11-17 * D-59755 Arnsberg
* Tel. +49 (0) 29 32-9 16-0 * Fax -230
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